Sixth WBC 2023 Launches in New York City

Mark Lesney

July 18, 2023

This year's World Bronchiectasis and NTM Conference will be held in New York from July 18–20. It will provide an international forum for healthcare professionals and researchers to discuss recent advances in the epidemiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis, treatment, and management of bronchiectasis and nontuberculosis mycobacterial infection (NTM).

According to the WBC 2023 website, "The conference will involve lectures delivered by invited experts at New York University and from around the world in the field of NTM and bronchiectasis. We will highlight recently published international NTM guidelines, new therapeutics for bronchiectasis and NTM, advancements in the microbiome in bronchiectasis, and large multi-center registry data results."

A key component of the meeting is the inclusion of interactive question-and-answer sessions involving a panel of speakers after each lecture session to allow the audience to ask questions and increase their knowledge. In addition, there will be case-based sessions in which common and difficult management scenarios will be discussed.


This year's conference kicks off on July 18 with a keynote address from James Chalmers, MD, PhD, who will set the stage for the meeting's bronchiectasis offerings, and with a keynote address by Charles L. Daley, MD, PhD, who will discuss the NTM aspects of the conference.

Sunrise Sessions on July 19 will feature CHEST: Airway Clearance in Bronchiectasis ― An Interactive Session, presented by Ashwin Basavaraj, MD, Anne E. O'Donnell, MD, Julie V. Philley, MD, and Jack Lam, RRT. In addition, Joseph Khabbaza, MD, will discuss Insmed: Uncovering the Role of Inflammation in Bronchiectasis.

Unique aspects of the July 19 program include a special session of Rising Star Researcher Presentations and a unique Early Career Researchers Networking Luncheon.

Hot Topics

Attendees will be able to explore sessions on a mix of hot topics that will likely generate lively discussions. Presentations will include a session on the etiology and pathophysiology of bronchiectasis and NTM disease, moderated by Ashwin Basavaraj, MD, and Raja Dhar, MD; a session on mechanisms and research, with moderators Emily Henkle, PhD, MPH, and Imran Sulaiman, MD, PhD; and comorbidities, with moderators Gregory Tino, MD, and Lucy Morgan, BMeD, PhD, among many others.

But Wait, There's More

Other can't-miss features this year include moderated poster sessions, sessions on registries and management, NTM epidemiology and the environment (moderated by David Kamelhar, MD, and Julie Jarand, MD), as well as a special Pro-Con Debate on 2 vs 3 Antibiotics for Mycobacterium avium Complex, between Kevin Winthrop, MD, MPH, and David Griffith.

6th World Bronchiectasis & NTM Conference (WBC) 2023

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